During the summer of 2020, several new rules regarding waste were enacted. These changes in waste legislation were part of the implementation of the Waste Framework Directive and the ongoing work towards a more circular economy. One of the changes is that commencing on 1 November 2020, waste producers must report hazardous waste to a national waste register. Below is an overview of what rules applies with respect to the reporting of hazardous waste.
Foyen Advokatfirma has signed a new lease with Hufvudstaden and will be relocating its Stockholm office, with close to 50 employees, to Regeringsgatan 38 in the NK department store. The move will take place on 15 April 2021 and is part of the law firm’s focus on creating a more modern and sustainable workplace.
A new EU decision changes the playing field - do you still have a lawful basis for transfer of personal data to the US?
Every year, Legal 500 carries out a ranking of the world’s leading lawyers and law firms. The London-based rankings institute is recognized as one of the world’s largest legal guides, the basis of which consists of over 300,000 interviews based exclusively on merit.