Mikael Westin has been with Foyen Advokatfirma since 2004, specialising in environmental law. His work includes legal proceedings, permit and concession applications, consultation with public authorities and private individuals, contract negotiations with claimants, and client representation before courts and public authorities. Mikael has extensive experience with permit applications and permit processes in the energy and infrastructure areas for both private sector and public sector clients. He has more than 30 years’ experience with permit processes in the area of water law. In addition, Mikael has wide-ranging experience involving a multitude of different negotiation situations. He also participates in due diligence proceedings.
Recommended, Legal 500*, Environment, 2021.
*Every year, Legal 500 carries out a ranking of the world’s leading lawyers and law firms. The London-based rankings institute is recognized as one of the world’s largest legal guides, the basis of which consists of over 300,000 interviews based exclusively on merit.